Media feature pack for Windows 8.1 Pro - Super User
Download Media Feature Pack for Windows 8 N and Windows 8 KN... Free. Size: 58 MB. Windows. Category: System. Will install Media Player to N and KN editions of Windows 8, enabling users to enjoy the media functionality that the full version of Windows offers. Fix Windows 8.1 RSAT not applicable issues | Microsoft Surface tablet Remote Server Administration (RSAT) Tools offers the solution for IT administrators to manage roles and features on Windows Server 2012 from the comfort of your Почему не работает MTP на Windows 7 N при подключении... Media Feature Pack for Windows 7 N (KB968211). Не пугайтесь, что при выборе файла для скачивания нет русского языка. Ставьте английскую версию, после установки Windows сама доставит необходимый языковый пакет и если у вас Windows на русском, то и медиа плеер так...
Legal | Terms & Conditions - Qt Learn about Qt License Agreement. Qt is also hard at work to respect and protect your privacy. Media Feature Pack for Windows 8.1 N and Windows 8.1 KN... Enables Windows Media Player features such as the ability to play media files and audio CDs, manage media in a library, create a playlist, provide metadata This feature does not work. Windows 8.1 Mobile devices. There is no support for media synchronization, image acquisition, or file browsing. Media Feature Pack cannot to Install on Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit recently when I tried install a certain program it showed error telling me that Media Feature Pack is not installed yet in my laptop,, and so I download a windows update standalone installer for but the problem is each time I try to install it shows error: The Update is Not Applicable to your computer
Attempted to install the new Media Feature Pack after the A.U. install. Update KB3133719 fails during the restart portion, again with "We couldn't complete the changes. Undoing changes." Update KB3133719 fails during the restart portion, again with "We couldn't complete the changes. Fix: The Update Is Not Applicable To Your Computer Error The text will not appear correctly in the Windows Store when you visit to download the update but it will smoothly upgrade your Windows 8 to Windows 8.1. From here on, you can follow our how to upgrade to Windows 8.1 guide for step-by-step instructions. Fix - kies you need to install windows media feature pack ... kies you need to install windows media feature pack I hope this video will help You KB3099229 or 4016817 or KB3133719 or Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10: "The update ... Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10: "The update is not applicable to your computer."
Fix: The Update Is Not Applicable To Your Computer Error